Winning BLW GmbH becomes the first customer of Georgsmarienhütte GmbH to be supplied with 100% Green Power Steel
The insolvency administrator of the automotive supplier BOLTA-WERKE, Volker Böhm of Schultze & Braun, has sold the company’s business operations to a strategic investor. The buyer is the Winning Group a.s., through its subsidiary Winning Plastics a.s., a German-Czech industrial group specialising in automotive and construction.
The Construction segment announced a record year, new acquisitions with top products are being added to the Automotive section, and operational excellence has been implemented by a dedicated team across the board.
Holding Winning Group announced on September 29, 2020 that the German company SONA BLW PRÄZISIONSSCHMIEDE GMBH will be included in its division.
Holding Winning Group announced on September 29, 2020 that the German company SONA BLW PRÄZISIONSSCHMIEDE GMBH will be included in its division.